Keeping a Grandmother Journal is a way to preserve those precious times, feelings, and details you experience as a Grandmother. Writing prompts for a Grandmother Journal will make it easy to get started. Here are some things you should write in your Grandmother Journal.
Writing Prompts for Keeping a Grandmother Journal
Keeping a Grandmother Journal is a way to preserve those precious times, feelings, and details you experience as a Grandmother.
Writing prompts for a Grandmother Journal will make it easy to get started.
Here are some things you should write in your Grandmother Journal.

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What to Include in Your Grandmother Journal
If you read Part 1 of this series, How to Start Keeping A Grandmother Journal, you know how to begin keeping a Grandmother Journal.
If you haven’t read it, you’ll find it here.
Now it’s time to think about what to include in your Grandmother Journal.
Journaling is a very personal thing, so you, yourself, should decide how much information you’d like to share.
Here are some writing prompts for your Grandmother Journal to use as a starting point.
As a side note, take a quick look at this beautiful journal I’m using to record my own memories.
It’s something for my Grandkids to read one day. It’s not about them, it’s about me… This is a hardback book with the design etched into the cover.
While I initially received it to do a review, it’s quality was a complete surprise and I fell in love with it!

Getting the News
In this section, write about how you were told you would be a Grandparent, where you were, and how you felt.
Include any shopping sprees, celebrating or burying your head in the sand episodes that may apply.
After all, you may not FEEL like a Grandma yet. I know it took me some time to adjust to the idea!
You can read more about becoming a Grandmother here: Being a Grandmother is an Adventure.
Get your printable list of “Writing Prompts for your Grandmother Journal” here:
(If you are already a subscriber to Passing Down the Love, this is available to you in the Member Only area. Check your latest email for the password)
The Birth Details
Introduce this baby. Record information about the time & date, weight, height, hair color (if any).
Make note of anything unusual about the birth, and how you’re feeling now that your Grandchild is here.
Are you still struggling with the idea of being a Grandma?
The First Meeting
Describe your feelings when you met and held your Grandbaby for the first time.
Include the details – where you were, when it took place, what happened.
Write it down so you'll remember. Write it down so THEY will remember. #grandmotherjournalThe First Weeks
As the first few weeks pass, make note of any visits you make, special events, and milestones.
Have you made any purchases for this little one? What did you get?
The First Birthday
Baby’s first birthday is usually a big deal. Describe the party, who was present, the theme, the gifts, the refreshments.
Now is also a good time to start any Birthday traditions you would like to have with your Grandchild. There are some ideas here.
As We Grow
As your Grandchild grows, you will have a lot to write about in your journal.
When crawling began, what you did to child-proof your house, first steps, words, and actions.
Make a record of interactions, and any feelings you are having as a Grandmother.
Here are some tips for being the best Grandmother: Tips for a New Grandma
Visits and Trips
Include the first visits you had with your Grandchild and any trips you’ve taken together in your Grandmother Journal.
As this baby grows into a child, then a teenager, your perspective, feelings, and remembrances can be shared together.
Kids say the darndest things. As they begin talking, keep track of the first words, the first time you hear “Grandma”, or the funny things they say.
What will you write about in your Grandmother Journal? Remember that time when Missy put her Teddy in the toilet? That could be something...Advice
Write a letter to your Grandchild before and around their birth, as you watch them grow, as you see things happen in their lives.
Tell them how you feel, what you would want them to know, and any words of wisdom about life that you’d like to share.
Download your Coloring Page of “K” Words
Memorable Events
This section would include things like christenings, birthdays, holidays, family reunions, a first car ride, etc.
Include times spent as a family, your traditions, and history that you would like to pass on to your Grands.
Be the Memory Keeper
Keeping a Grandmother Journal is a great way to preserve memories for your Grandchildren long after you’re gone.
They will have insight into who you were, the things you did together, and how much it meant to you to have them in your life.
Use your Grandmother Journal to be a family memory keeper.
Don’t forget to request your copy of “Writing Prompts for Keeping a Grandmother Journal” before you go.
Keep Passing Down the Love,

Grandma’s Tip of the Day: You don’t have to be a great writer to share your memories and emotions. Dig deep and write about what you’re really feeling.
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Sunday 15th of October 2023
I would love. A list of ideas or prompts to start my grandma a template for the journal
Saturday 17th of October 2020
I have 4 grandchildren ages 9, 7 1/2, 6 and almost 2. I am into genealogy and ran across a list of questions grandchildren should ask their grandparents - found it on Pinterest if you want to search for it. Because my grandkids are so young (well the oldest might be able to write down the answers) I decided that I would write a letter to the kids and answer all of those questions. I am continually revising it as I think of (aka remember) things! My letter is up to 17 pages that also includes family favorite recipes. I have also created a box of treasures - things that are or have been important to me. Each box has the child's name on it and when I find things that I think they would like, I put those in the box. These boxes are for years from now - perhaps after I leave this world! or at some point when they are adults. The letter will also go into the box so they each have a copy of the letter.
As the kids have given me drawings, I date them and write their names on the back of the drawing. These also go into the boxes. That way, they will be able to see what they drew and gave to me.
Sunday 18th of October 2020
How fun, Lea! It sounds like you're doing all the right things. Your Grands will love getting your "boxes" one day!
Friday 28th of August 2020
My first grandchild will be here next month! I am beyond excited! Because we are in a particularly unique time in history, I have started my granddaughter’s journal before she was born. I have told her about COVID, BLM, the election and other important historical events. I have added quotes about being a grandmother, stories about her father ( my son) and things I thought were interesting. I have also attached newspaper article for relevant events, political buttons and photos. My plan is to write a journal for her every year. She will be living 1600 miles away. ☹️ Thanks for the inspiration!
Elizabeth Panni
Monday 4th of May 2020
I've been doing this since I found out my daughter was pregnant with each child. I also took care of them two days a week for a couple of years. I include world events and write about my values, things like non of us is perfect and we all make mistakes, even Gram-E.
We don't live near each other now but I try very hard to stay in touch with my 11 & 13 year old granddaughters. I text (not too often), send letters and little flat presents that will fit in an envelope like sticks of gum or temporary tattoos. I still add things but not as often. Someday I'll give them the journals but for now when I feel down I re-read them because they make me LOL.
Friday 13th of April 2018
These are some wonderful ideas that I need to refer back to. My two grandchildren live across the country from me now, and we only get to visit with them once or twice a year. I've recently started writing personal letters to each of them (ages 18 months and 3 years) that include photos of us and memories that we have shared with them in the past to supplement our phone calls and google chat times. Now I'm thinking that I should be keeping a copy of the letters as a journal for them to have sometime in the future. Thanks for the ideas!
Friday 13th of April 2018
I love that idea - Writing letters to them is a great way to share. And keeping copies for yourself would be a great way to make sure they are around for a long time. Thanks for your comment!