This item is a printable, not a physical product.
7 page printable. Download files at purchase and print on your own printer. You can also choose to have your files printed by a shop like Staples or Office Max by taking it to them in person or uploading the file to their website. Please let me know if you have questions about this process.
There are separate files for each item included in the pack so you can print only those items you wish to print.
Pack 1 includes:
Instructions for writing and sending “Open When” Letters.
Writing prompts and ideas for “open when” letter topics.
8X10 Blank stationery page with “open when” and then space for you to write. A second page is included. Print as many as you need.
Matching label printable for the envelopes to print on Avery 8163 labels and printable labels you can cut out and glue on the envelope.