Books about Grandparenting can be helpful as you start your journey. These are some of the best Grandparenting books for Grandparents that I’ve found so far. Enjoy!
Being a Grandparent is the best thing since sliced bread. However, it also comes with challenges, emotions, and situations that we may not be equipped to handle.
Check out these books that might help you along the way.
Grandparenting Books
While being a Grandparent is one of life’s most precious experiences and it can also be a slippery slope.
It can be funny, emotional, difficult, challenging, happy, sad, eye-opening, and heart-warming.
It can be all of these things.
I’ve read many books about Grandparenting since I found out I was going to be one myself – a mere 8 years ago.
The books in this list are some of my favorites and offer everything from humor to statistics about Grandparents to sound advice in handling specific situations.
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Take a look at these books, read up and see if you can’t find some helpful advice, similar musings about having warm fuzzies, or a little tug at the heartstrings in one of these Grandparenting books.
Best Books for Grandparents
Awesome Grandparenting Books
"Chicken Soup" books are made up of short stories. That makes this an easy book to pick up for a quick read at bedtime or anytime. Feel-good stories about Grandmothers, Chicken Soup for the Grandma's Soul celebrates all Grandmothers.
Whether you're already a grandma or are a Grandmother-in-waiting, this collection of stories will warm your heart, from the moment you hear the news, the day you once again change a diaper, comfort a crying baby or offer your sometimes welcomed, sometimes not-so-welcome advice.
This is an easy, fun read!
"Nanaville" is an enjoyable, but informative read. Anna Quindlen is down-to-earth and real. She takes a hard look at the relationships between Grandparents and Grandchildren, but also between Grandparents and their own children.
Her focus in this book is on perfecting the role of grandparent and how that differs entirely from the role of parent. No longer the deciding vote, the decision-maker or the first line, Grandparents must learn to defer to the parents and be a supporter instead.
You'll love her warm, moving words and may even learn a thing or two!
Lesley Stahl, a correspondent with "60 Minutes", explains how being a Grandmother has changed her. She talks about the joy she has found and how her relationship with her daughter has grown. Lesley investigates "grandparenting" the same way she would any other story - interviewing colleagues, experts, friends, and family.
It is a fun, wise and enlightening book for all grandparents as they figure out their new and vitally important role—be they a biological granny, step-granny or surrogate granny.
This book not only offers helpful advice for the Grandmothering journey but shares research and insight into the reasons and science behind the nature of Grandmothers and their importance. Personal stories keep the reader engaged and advice is backed up with facts, studies, and documentation.
Grandmothering: Building Strong Ties with Every Generation is written by Kathleen Stassen Berger. Berger is a professor at Bronx Community College, City University of New York, where she has taught psychology for forty years. She is the author of the leading textbooks in human development, used by college students in all 50 states, 12 nations, in five languages. She is also the mother of four and the grandmother of three.
Being a Grandparent is a light-hearted book that seeks to answer questions presented from real Grandparents like you and me.
Questions about discipline, acceptance, decision-making, choices, parenting styles, and more are asked and answered in a fun but direct way, giving Grandparents a little guidance along with humor in looking at difficult or uncomfortable situations.
Being a Grandparent is just like being a parent... only different!
Unconditional Love is a beautifully written book that zeros in on the relationships between the generations. From Grandparents to parents and Grandchildren, the author, Jane Isay shares her insight into how we can be the best influence on our children and grandchildren.
Through forgiveness, understanding, patience, and unconditional love we can develop lasting and meaningful relationships within our families.
How to Really Love Your Grandchild explores ways Grandparents can be supportive and helpful to Grandchildren in a changing world. Showing the younger generation ways to cope with problems they may face in a world that is very different from the one where we were raised.
This book takes a more religious viewpoint and encourages Grandparents to live their faith while sharing their beliefs about God, values, and character with their Grandchildren.
This is an older book but contains a lot of information about how it feels when you find out you'll be a grandparent, coming to terms with the fact that you're "old enough" to be a Grandma, and what that all means. While it could be more up-to-date, it does contain some good insight and information.
The author, Dr. Lillian Carson, D.S.W., L.C.S.W., Board Certified Diplomate in Clinical Social Work, is an authority on child development, parenting, and grandparenting. She is a psychotherapist in private practice in Los Angeles and Santa Barbara and has worked with adults, children, and families for the past 25 years.
Good to Be Grand covers new advances in childcare and child development (because there are many -- it's not the "same" as when we raised our children) and also shares advice on relationships, this book is derived from hundreds of experienced grandparent interviews.
The forward in this book was written by Hillary Rodham Clinton.
My final recommendation for books is this first aid book. Grandparents may be rusty in this area and with kids around again, it's good to take a little refresher course in what to do for hurts, bumps, and bruises.
Know when you need a bandaid, an antibiotic ointment or a splint and a trip to the Emergency room.
Be a good Grandparent. Be prepared.
Have you read a book for Grandparents that you would recommend?
Please share your thought and suggestions in the comments.
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Take a seat, have a good read, and learn how to become a better Grandmother with these great Grandparenting books.
And remember…
Keep Passing Down the Love,
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Cynthia Drake
Monday 7th of December 2020
Hello. What a sparkly website! I have a book being published soon.: A Grandmother’s Sourcebook. Would you be so kind to send me a contact or email address of your submissions editor? Thank you.
Tuesday 8th of December 2020
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