A Grandma Shower is not complete without playing a few games, just like you would at any baby shower. You may have even played some of these baby shower games. Your guests will love these best baby shower games for Grandmother showers.

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Grandma Shower Games
If you’re hosting a Grandmother shower, you’ll need Grandma Shower Games, right? You came to the right place.
By the way, Grandmother Showers are becoming a popular trend. It’s a chance for friends to celebrate the new grandmother-to-be. Grandmother Showers should be a little different than a normal baby shower, shower games included.
Do it right
If you’re going to do it, do it right, I always say. So in addition to the Grandmother Shower Games included here, you can find some other ideas here for hosting a Grandmother Shower.
And for a little help with the details, here’s something you may like: A Grandmother Shower Planning Guide. This guide includes the checklist, all the games, gift ideas, and tips for hosting your own Grandmother Shower.
Related: Hosting an Awesome Virtual Baby Shower
Back to the games…
A Grandma Shower is not complete without playing a few games, just like you would at any shower. You may have even played some of these games at showers you have attended. If you’d like a printable for these games, just let me know and I’ll send them to you.
Free Printable Baby Shower Word Scramble Game
Pens or pencils
Printable Baby Shower Word Scramble Game & Key (free when you subscribe above) OR you can buy it in our SHOP.
Pass out the game pages. Set a timer for 10 minutes (or however long you like). Ask your participants to unscramble as many words as they can in the allotted time. Write answers underneath the scrambled word.
Use the key to read the answers and allow guests to check their work.
The winner is the person who unscrambles the most words.
Pens or pencils,
Printable Nursery Rhyme Quiz (available in our SHOP)
Pass out the game pages. Set a timer for 10 minutes (or however long you like). Ask your participants to answer as many questions about favorite nursery rhymes as possible in the allotted time.
Read the answers and allow guests to check their work.
The winner is the person who correctly answers the most questions.
A small gift or two.
Printable Right-Left Game Story (available in our SHOP)
This game is great fun. First, you’ll need to wrap a small gift. One of your guests will be the winner of this gift in the end. If you have a large group, you may want to have 2-3 small gifts.
Have your guests form a circle. Give the gift (or gifts) to someone in the circle.
Then you read the story. Every time the reader says “RIGHT”, the gift is passed to the right. When the reader says “LEFT”, pass the gift to the left. Whoever is holding the gift at the end is the winner and gets to keep the gift.
Sometimes the gift is offered to the honoree, in this case, the New Grandma who is the center of attention today.
1 Babydoll with removable clothes, a diaper and a blanket for every 5 guests (2 for 10 guests, 3 for 15, etc.)
There are quite a few variations, depending on the size of your group. This works well for a group of at least 10. The idea is to have teams of 5. When the host says “GO”, the first person in line removes the blanket and passes the baby and blanket to the second person. The second person removes the clothes and passes the baby. The third person rediapers the baby, the fourth redresses the baby and the last person wraps the baby in the blanket.
The winner is the team who finishes first.
If there is a large group, say, 20 people, have two teams race, then the second two teams race, and have a face-off between the two winning groups. Change it up, make your own rules, just have fun.
Paper and pens.
There is a printable available in our SHOP as part of the Deluxe Bundle.
Compile a list of many common items that the baby will need, such as diapers, wipes, bibs, etc. Use one of the printable sheets for your KEY.
Since prices will change and can vary depending on the place of purchase, use one source, like Amazon, to check the prices of the items before the shower.
Call out each item to the guests and have them write down the item and guess the current retail price.
The guest with the closest total – without going over – wins.
A paper plate and plastic spoon for each guest
A pen or pencil for each guest
Printable Guess the Baby Food answer sheet. (There is a printable available in our SHOP as part of the Deluxe Bundle.)
8 jars of baby food, different kinds
Prepare for this game before the shower: Write 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 around the edge of each plate.
Make a KEY by marking each of the baby food jar lids with 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8. To make your KEY, use a plate to make note of what was in each jar. (see below)
Then cover each jar with foil, except for the lid.
When it’s time to play, give each guest a plate and plastic spoon.

Have a few helpers start around the room, giving a sample of each jar to each guest by placing a small amount of the food on the corresponding number. Jar one sample by the #1 on the plate, etc. Continue until each player has all 8 samples. Since this may be a little time-consuming, consider having a few helpers fix the plates and hand them out with the samples already in place.
Give each player a pen or pencil and have them note their guess on the plate by the corresponding number.
The winner of this game is the person who has the highest number of correct guesses.
8-10 Preemie or small diapers
8-10 assorted candy bars
Paper and pen
There is a printable available in our SHOP as part of the Deluxe Bundle.
Prepare for this game before the shower.
Use a Sharpie to number the outside of the diapers 8-10 (the number of candy bars you decided to use)
Make a KEY by numbering a paper 1-10.
Take a small portion of each candy bar and smear it on the inside of the diaper.
As you prepare each diaper, note on your KEY which candy bar was used:
- Snickers
- Butterfinger
- Milky Way, etc.
To Play: Give each player a paper marked 1-10
Begin passing out the diapers, allowing each person to see and smell each diaper. Have them guess which candy bar is in the diaper and note it on their paper.
The winner of this game is the person who has more correct answers.
For the game winners:
When playing games at a shower, there is usually a prize for the winners.
Consider the types of small gifts you would like to receive. Since this is a Grandma Shower we’re talking about, a lovely prize would be something personal, like a candle, soap, a coffee cup or a box of assorted tea bags.
If you plan to pass the prize to the new Grandma, the prizes could be something baby-related that Grandma could use when the baby visits. Think bibs, rattles or small toys, or a children’s book.
Whatever games you choose, the goal is to have fun. Laugh, enjoy the company of others, and celebrate with the Grandma-to-be. This is a very special time for her and sharing it with friends is priceless.
Enjoy the party with these Grandmother shower games. Have a fun time celebrating the new Grandma!
Keep Passing Down the Love,

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